Category: Health & Wellness

Powerful New Life Hack You Never Knew You Needed

Whenever I see a big rig on the road, I wonder how the drivers do it. I know how I feel after driving all day on a long road trip in my car – completely exhausted. Imagine doing that for days on end, week after week, and continuing into your 60s. It would seem that...


Be the Star of the Party with These 3 Healthier Potluck Recipes 🌟

If you’re like me, you’re probably attending a handful of holiday potluck parties this season. And if you’re like me, you want to bring something delicious and healthy to share. But finding recipes that are both tasty and good for you is challenging. That’s why I’ve put together this list of my favorite easy recipes...


How Can I Still Feel My Very Best As I Age?

The old saying goes, “you’re only as young as you feel.” And while that may be true, some things about aging can’t be ignored—like the importance of probiotics for your health. It’s no secret that probiotics are good for you. But did you know they’re especially beneficial for seniors? Here’s why older folks should be...


A Simple Way to Get Back Your Energy & Enthusiasm for Life

“We don’t have enough hours in the day!” Everyone has uttered that phrase at least once, but it seems especially true for working mothers. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom or have a full-time job, you know how hard it can be to find the time and energy necessary to manage everything on your plate....


Quick & Easy Lite Apple Crumble Recipe

Are you looking for a delicious and healthy dessert recipe? Look no further than this amazing Apple Crumble. This dish is easy to make from scratch, and it’s the perfect dessert for any occasion – including Thanksgiving. The best part, it’s packed with whole ingredients, nutrients, and vitamins that will help keep you healthy and...


Top 4 Reasons Why Being Kind is the Key to a Longer, Happier Life

November 13 is World Kindness Day. Kindness Day aims to promote good deeds and remind us of kindness’s benefits. This day also allows us to ponder one of humanity’s most enduring principles – kindness. Kindness is more than just a nice feeling after doing something generous or considerate. Kindness is a deliberate action from a...


7 Normal Forms of Memory Loss & What You Can Do About It

As we grow older, our brains change, and we tend to become more forgetful. However, how can you tell if your memory lapses are a symptom of normal forgetfulness or a sign of something more severe? Memory loss and distortion can occur at any age, even in healthy people. The following are seven types of...


Recipe: Classic Shrimp Scampi with a Healthy Twist

Do you love spaghetti but hate the calories, gluten, and carbs? I know I do. However, I recently discovered spaghetti squash. The spaghetti squash is about the size and shape of a football, has yellowish skin, and has a mild, neutral flavor. Spaghetti squash got its name from how its cooked flesh separates into long...


Step Off the Hose: 5 Ways to a Healthier Prostate

Men, you probably didn’t think much about your prostate when you were younger. But if you’re now experiencing problems with urination – increased frequency, urgency, or a weak stream – it’s time to improve your prostate’s health.  The prostate is part of the male reproductive system. It resides in a man’s body below the bladder...


6 Ways Probiotics Help You Lose Weight

Probiotics taken daily to help maintain a healthy microbiome have long been known to improve digestion, bolster your immune system, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and even improve your mood. These reasons alone make probiotics a great way to support your overall health. Additionally, you may have heard that probiotics can help you lose...


Delicious Immune Boosting Recipe – Chicken Florentine

Your immune system fights illnesses and infections, constantly battling invaders to keep you healthy. With cold and flu season upon us, it’s a good idea to do whatever possible to support and strengthen your immune system, including feeding it what it needs. Research has identified foods believed to help boost your immune system cells and...


How to Get and Keeping Your Mental Edge

When we were younger, spending the day playing sports and the night taking on a serious mental school challenge was doable. Your brain was flexible, quick, and agile.  My daughter plays volleyball at a highly academic division one college.  Last Sunday afternoon, I watched her go toe-to-toe on the court for five sets. Her team...


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