Category: Health & Wellness

How to Get and Keeping Your Mental Edge

When we were younger, spending the day playing sports and the night taking on a serious mental school challenge was doable. Your brain was flexible, quick, and agile.  My daughter plays volleyball at a highly academic division one college.  Last Sunday afternoon, I watched her go toe-to-toe on the court for five sets. Her team...


7 Fun & Healthy Ways to Keep Active in Colder Weather

Winter is coming. As the fall weather turns colder, it becomes more of a challenge to spend time outdoors. Bundling up and the risk of slipping are two things that dampen the desire, throwing a wrench into staying fit during the months ahead.  However, staying active is all the more critical because doing so can...


3 Ways to Reduce Your Risk for Dementia + Recipe

Every morning I clip my trusty step counter to my waistband, intending to reach the magic number of 10,000. My attention to this detail has been primarily to reduce my waistline. Little did I know I’d also been reducing my risk for dementia.  What is Dementia Dementia is the irreversible loss of cognitive function –...


Don’t Put Off Having A Colonoscopy, Here’s Why…

If you’re 50+, chances are your doctor has let you know it’s time…for a routine colonoscopy. A colonoscopy finds and removes polyps and detects potentially deadly colorectal cancer and pancreatic lesions. Despite its proven effectiveness, the idea of it invokes a lot of anxiety, and too many people avoid the procedure. I know that’s how...


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