Category: Yoga

Top 7 Smooth Move Tips for Bathroom Regularity

While it may be a topic that makes some blush, bathroom regularity is essential for both health and happiness. It’s like having your favorite song on repeat, keeping your digestive system in a healthy rhythm. Miss a step, and you could be dealing with discomfort, bloating, and other pesky gut issues. Fortunately, there are practical...


The Power of Alone Time: 20 Cozy and Calming Things to Do Alone

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. That’s why it’s essential to take time for yourself to recharge and decompress, even in small doses. Alone time can undoubtedly work wonders on your mind, body, and soul. It allows for self-reflection, creativity, and relaxation, ultimately...


Get Fit with Less Risk: 6 Reasons Low-Intensity Exercise Benefit Your Mind and Body

Do you want to get fit without feeling exhausted and avoid potential injury? Who doesn’t? What if we told you that you don’t have to push yourself to the limit to get fit and healthy? If you think that low-intensity exercise is boring and ineffective, think again. In this blog, we’ll show you how low-intensity...


Does Your Inner Child Need Healing?

Have you ever caught yourself feeling defensive talking to someone from your childhood or overly emotional revisiting a place from your past? Welcome to the fascinating world of your inner child, the hidden parts of yourself that have shaped your beliefs, behaviors, and emotions. The concept of the inner child refers to the part of...


Wellness Trends for 2023: Must Does or Not So Much

It’s 2023, and the wellness landscape is changing quicker than ever. As a result of scientific breakthroughs and society’s rapidly changing focus on health and wellbeing, various emerging trends are reshaping our approach to staying healthy in the modern world. From advances in technology to emotional care, people from all backgrounds are beginning to explore...


Celebrating International Mind-Body Wellness Day

It’s time to elevate your mind and body for International Mind-Body Wellness Day! Mind-body wellness is a holistic approach to health that recognizes the connections between your mind and body and the impact your thoughts and emotions have on your physical health. It is a way of acknowledging that your mind and body are not...


How to Cope with Grief and Still Find Joy During the Holidays

For many of us, the holiday season is filled with joy and celebration. But for others, it can be a painful reminder of what has been lost or can no longer be celebrated. Whether you’re missing loved ones, struggling with financial hardships, or feeling out of sorts, there are ways to still get into the...


Health Contributions in History: Indra Devi, Mother of Western Yoga

“Yoga means union, in all its significances and dimensions.” – Indra Devi Yoga has been shown to have numerous health and wellness benefits. Yoga has become increasingly popular to help improve your flexibility, strength, and posture, helping reduce muscle and body pain.  A consistent practice of Yoga also helps reduce anxiety, depression, and stress levels,...


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