This ‘Smoothie Bowl’ Recipe Will Put a Spring in Your Step and give your joints some love

Homemade Healthy Berry Smoothie Bowl with Banana and Hemp
Homemade Healthy Berry Smoothie Bowl with Banana and Hemp

As you know, I’m a big fan of smoothies, but if I want a little more substance, I will opt for what I’ve started calling a “Smoothie Bowl.” It’s a mix between a smoothie and a bowl of oatmeal. 

The one I’m going to share with you today is delicious and contains joint-supporting ingredients to put a pep in your step. 

Some of the key ingredients for joint health in this smoothie include:

• Turmeric and ginger, which have been shown to reduce markers of inflammation.

• Chia seeds are rich in fiber and Omega 3 fatty acids, and they contain nutrients that may help with joint health, including zinc, and copper. 

• Healthy fats including avocado, almond butter, flaxseeds and walnuts which provide healthy fats that keep your joints lubricated and flexible. 

Here’s what you need:

Smoothie Bowl Recipe

Woman is preparing a healthy detox drink in a blender - a smoothie with fresh fruits

Ingredients (Makes 2 servings):

• 1 cup spinach

• 1/2 avocado

• 1/2 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)

• 1 banana (frozen)

• 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk

• 1 tablespoon chia seeds

• 1 teaspoon turmeric powder

• 1/2 teaspoon fresh ginger, grated

• 1 tablespoon almond butter

• 1/4 cup walnuts, chopped

• 1 tablespoon flaxseeds

• Fresh berries and sliced banana for topping

• 1 tablespoon honey (optional)


1. Blend the base:

• In a blender, combine the spinach, avocado, blueberries, frozen banana, almond milk, chia seeds, turmeric, ginger, and almond butter.

• Blend until smooth and creamy. If the mixture is too thick, add a bit more almond milk to reach your desired consistency.

2. Assemble the bowl:

• Pour the smoothie mixture into a bowl.

3. Add the toppings:

• Top the smoothie with chopped walnuts, flaxseeds, fresh berries, and sliced banana.

4. Drizzle (Optional):

• If desired, drizzle a little honey over the top for added sweetness.

Smoothie Bowl Recipe Card

Take Your Joint Health to the Next Level

Woman holding bowl of fruit

I don’t know about you, but I try to get as much of my nutrition from my food as possible. This can be difficult, however—while this recipe is full of foods like flax seeds and turmeric that have properties to support your joints, it’s missing an ingredient that’s clinically proven to help you optimize joint health:* 


AprèsFlex® is derived from the sap of Boswellia serrata, an incredible tree used for centuries in traditional wellness practices. Modern science has taken this ancient wisdom and refined it into a highly potent extract that supports optimal joint function and an end to the constant discomfort in as little as 5 days.*

But you’re not going to find this ingredient in many recipes, which is why the team at Stonehenge Health has made it even easier to get the perfect serving of this ingredient with one of our most advanced formulas yet: Dynamic Joint

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Joint

If you’ve ever experienced any joint discomfort when climbing the stairs, standing up out of chair, or trouble doing the activities you love, I urge you to give Dynamic Joint a try.*

Feel the results in as little as 5 days.*

Discover Dynamic Joint

Stay in the Game: Managing Joint Discomfort  for Pickleball Lovers 

Pickleball paddle and balls on court, shot directly from above in flat lay style
Pickleball paddle and balls on court, shot directly from above in flat lay style

Which sport results in 67,000 emergency room visits per year? 

If you guessed football, soccer, basketball, baseball, or hockey, you’d be wrong…

The answer is also America’s fastest growing sport: 


The vast majority of these injuries are happening to people over 60 years old, and it’s taking quite the toll. And for the record, I have nothing against pickleball. We’ve written several articles on the sport, and I occasionally play with my husband and our friends—it’s a fun game. 

But the numbers don’t lie, and as with all physical activities, there are risks involved with participating. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do. In fact, with the right preparation, you might be able to elevate your pickleball game while also moving with more fluidity and less joint discomfort than you’ve felt in years. 

But before we discuss solutions to these types of injuries, let’s start at the beginning.

The Rise of Pickleball Among Older Adults

Fit older couple playing pickleball

Pickleball has rapidly become a favorite sport among older adults, with its combination of simplicity, low-impact exercise, and social interaction. Many communities now have dedicated pickleball courts, and it’s common to see players well into their 50s, 60s, and beyond enjoying the game.

It comes with plenty of benefits: 

Social Interaction: Pickleball fosters a strong sense of community. Players often form bonds that extend beyond the court.

Cardiovascular Health: The sport offers a great cardiovascular workout, improving heart health without the strain of high-impact sports.

Mental Well-being: Staying active and engaged in a sport can boost mental health, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.

But as I mentioned earlier, it’s not without drawbacks, particularly joint discomfort.

Understanding Joint Discomfort

Outdoor, knee pain and hands of person after fitness accident, injury and muscle tension.

Approximately 90 million Americans suffer from joint discomfort. There are a few common causes you’re likely familiar with: 

Arthritis: A common condition in older adults, characterized by swelling of the joints, causing discomfort and stiffness.

Tendonitis: Irritation of a tendon, often due to overuse, leading to tenderness around the joint.

Past injuries: Previous injuries can lead to chronic joint issues and increase the likelihood of joint problems resurfacing or worsening over time.

Joint discomfort often manifests as sharp or aching pain during or after activity, accompanied by swelling around the joints. You may also experience stiffness, particularly after periods of inactivity, and the affected area may show signs of redness and warmth.

How Pickleball Can Aggravate Joint Pain

A female pickleball player returns a high pop up as her partner looks on.

Pickleball involves quick lateral movements, sudden stops, and repetitive motions, all of which can strain the joints. There are a number of high-impact movements that are specific to the sport: 

Sudden stops and starts: These can place significant stress on the knees and ankles.

Twisting and turning: Rapid changes in direction can exacerbate joint discomfort, particularly in the hips and lower back.

Repetitive motions: Continuous swinging of the paddle can lead to overuse injuries in the shoulders and elbows.

Pickleball is just one example of how many Americans are choosing to stay active. You may not be into pickleball…yet…but you may still be experiencing joint discomfort from another activity you love.

So the question is: How can you prevent or manage joint discomfort and still keep active and continue to do the activities you love?

4 Ways to Manage Joint Discomfort From Pickleball or other activities

couple playing pickleball game, hitting pickleball yellow ball with paddle, outdoor sport leisure activity.

Here’s how to keep yourself in the game.

1. Warm-up and stretching

Portrait of cheerful male athlete doing workout.

Preventing joint discomfort starts with proper warm-up and stretching. Performing dynamic stretches like leg swings and arm circles can help prepare the muscles and joints for activity. It is also important to begin with a gradual warm-up, incorporating light aerobic activity to increase blood flow to the muscles and joints.

2. Proper Technique

couple playing pickleball game, hitting pickleball yellow ball with paddle, outdoor sport leisure activity.

Using proper technique is crucial in reducing strain on the joints. Focus on employing good body mechanics, such as bending the knees instead of the back and using the legs to absorb impact. Additionally, practicing good footwork ensures that you are in the right position to make shots, minimizing awkward movements that could lead to joint pain.

3. High-Quality equipment

Hands, tie shoes and start tennis game, person on court with fitness and sports outdoor.

The right footwear and equipment also play a significant role in preventing joint discomfort. Wearing supportive shoes with good arch support and cushioning helps absorb impact and protect the joints. 

4. Give Your Body The Support it Needs With Dynamic Joint

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Joint

If you’re one of the 92 million Americans reporting that joint discomfort and limited range of motion is affecting your ability to enjoy your daily life (and your pickleball game!) this supplement can be the best decision you make regarding your joint supplement support.*

Dynamic Joint is a breakthrough supplement that supports overall joint health with a new and scientifically backed formula.*  

Featuring AprèsFlex®, a proprietary extract of Boswellia serrata gum resin, Dynamic Joint can deliver improved joint comfort in as little as 5 days.* One week you’re reading this article, the next week you’re flying around the pickleball court dominating your friends and neighbors…

When I say this is a breakthrough supplement, I’m not exaggerating. The science and research behind our ingredients speak for themselves: 

In a clinical study, participants experienced remarkable benefits with ApresFlex®, including a 24.8% reduction in discomfort, a 47.6% reduction in stiffness, and a 21.2% improvement in physical function compared to placebo.**

Are you ready to leave your joint discomfort behind?

Discover Dynamic Joint

**Percentage improvements were calculated using the percent change between the supplemented group vs the placebo group in a clinical trial using AprèsFlex® at 100 mg/day.

The Truth About Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Matured man suffering from painful knee joint
Matured man suffering from painful knee joint

Which sounds more trustworthy to you? 

4,000 ads that say “Glucosamine and Chondroitin will solve your joint issues.” 


4,000 real people with knee osteoarthritis who participated in studies that found “…no convincing evidence that glucosamine and chondroitin provided major benefit.

I don’t know about you, but I’m choosing the real people and the scientify studies every time. Glucosamine and chondroitin has earned what I call the Beetlejuice effect: 

If you say it enough times, people will believe it’s true; even without scientific evidence. 

And it seems to be working. The Harvard Medical School reports that consumers will spend $3.5 billion on those two supplements by 2025. 

This is frustrating because most of those people will spend their hard-earned money and still not find relief for their joint issues.

What Does the Science Say About Glucosamine and Chondroitin?

Joint pain, the doctor looks at the hologram of the knee joint. X-ray

Let’s dive into the real science behind glucosamine and chondroitin. 

Despite the flood of ads touting their miraculous benefits, the actual research tells a different story. Clinical trials and studies have produced mixed results. While some suggest benefits for osteoarthritis, others find little to no effect.

Take the Glucosamine/Chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT), for instance. This significant study found that the combination of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate didn’t significantly reduce discomfort in the overall group of knee osteoarthritis patients.1

Additionally, a 2016 study involving 164 patients with knee pain due to osteoarthritis gave half of them a combination of glucosamine and chondroitin and the other half a placebo.2 The study was halted early because those taking the supplement reported worse symptoms than those on the placebo. Yes, you read that right—taking glucosamine and chondroitin actually made their joints feel worse than doing nothing at all. 

These findings certainly casts a shadow over the supposed benefits of these supplements.

Despite these mixed results, glucosamine and chondroitin remain popular choices for osteoarthritis relief because they’re believed to help repair and maintain cartilage. But according the experts some of these benefits might just be a classic case of the placebo effect, where people feel better simply because they believe they will.

For some the power of the placebo is enough. And there is even research that indicates placebo isn’t a bad thing. 

For others, though. it may be best to follow the research especially when the research indicates side effects.

Side Effects of Glucosamine and Chondroitin


Glucosamine and chondroitin are generally considered safe for long-term use. 

However, clinical trials have reported several issues associated with taking glucosamine and chondroitin. These reported side effects include:

• Heartburn or abdominal pain 

• Diarrhea

• Drowsiness

• Headaches

• Allergic reactions (particularly in individuals with shellfish allergies)3

These emerging research is why many people are turning to alternative science backed ingredients to ease joint discomfort.

What Actually Works to Relieve Joint Discomfort?

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Joint

Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Joint.

Dynamic Joint is meticulously crafted with a unique blend of 9 clinically backed powerful ingredients designed to help you move with ease and fluidity. 

At the heart of this formula is a potent dose of 100 mg AprèsFlex® Boswellia serrata. 

This patented formulation of Boswellia Extract has been clinically shown to provide significant improvements in joint comfort, function, and mobility. Remarkably, it can start improving your joint comfort in as little as five days.*

For those of you who find yourself hesitating before a flight of stairs, fighting through discomfort during household chores, or forgoing family activities due to joint discomfort, Dynamic Joint could be the answer you’ve been searching for. 

It’s not just about enhancing mobility and flexibility; Dynamic Joint is also about maintaining the health of your cartilage, which is constantly battling age and dietary factors. Healthy cartilage ensures that each movement is as fluid as it should be.

So, if you’re ready to stop wasting money on glucosamine and chondroitin and start experiencing real relief, Dynamic Joint is your solution. Say goodbye to the placebo effect and hello to a life of comfort and mobility.

Discover Dynamic Joint