Guilt-Free Indulgence: Probiotic-Packed Dessert Recipes for Your Gut Health

chocolate brownie ice sundae
chocolate brownie ice sundae

We often think of dessert as a ‘sin’ or a guilty pleasure; a small reward for eating healthy or dealing with a tough day. 

But there’s actually plenty of ways to reward yourself with dessert that supports your health goals…

Today I have just the thing to help you indulge in something delicious while also supporting your journey toward better digestive health. I call it:

Umami Bliss Brownie Sundae

Who doesn’t like brownies and ice cream? 

But this one has a special twist…

Not only does it have a sweet/savory flavor combination, it also packs a probiotic punch of health benefits for your digestive system. 

Let’s get to the recipe! 

Note: We share unique, delicious, and health-inspired recipes from our kitchen at Stonehenge Health all the time. Subscribe to our email list and get each recipe sent directly to your inbox.

Kefir Ice Cream

Kefir grains in wooden spoon in front of cups of Kefir Yogurt Parfaits. Kefir is one of the best health foods available providing powerful probiotics.

This is not your typical ice cream from the grocery store… 

Instead, try this tangy and refreshing ice cream made with kefir, a fermented milk drink rich in probiotics. This dessert offers a creamy texture with a slight tartness, perfect for those who enjoy a less-sweet treat. Add natural flavorings like vanilla, fruit, or a touch of honey to enhance the taste.


• 1 Cup of plain kefir

• 1 Tbsp. honey or maple syrup (adjust to taste)

• 1 Tsp. of vanilla extract

• 1 Cup Frozen Fruit (ex: banana, berries, or mango)

• Optional: Top with handful of dark chocolate chip or coconut flakes


1. Mix the base: In a blender, combine the kefir, honey (or maple syrup), vanilla extract, and frozen fruit. Blend until the mixture has air bubbles and has a frothy appearance

2. Note: You may need to use a hand mixer AFTER the blender to start seeing air bubbles

3. Chill the mixture: Pour mixture into an air tight container and place it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, or until the mixture is thoroughly chilled. This helps with the ice cream’s texture.

At this point, you can either serve your ice cream topped with dark chocolate chips and coconut flakes or with a side of fresh fruit, or (and I highly recommend this!) you can fire up your oven and get started on some of the most delicious brownies you’ve ever tasted.

Kefir Ice Cream Recipe

Miso Caramel Brownies

Close-up of a person mixing brownie batter in a white bowl on a kitchen counter, with a lined baking pan ready nearby. Home baking and preparation concept.

These miso and caramel brownies are a great change of pace to elevate your palette and impress your friends because we’ve swapped into probiotic rich greek yogurt in place of eggs. 

A fusion of sweet and savory, these brownies are infused with miso, a fermented soybean paste containing probiotics. The miso adds a unique depth of flavor to the rich, fudgy brownies, creating a dessert that’s both indulgent and beneficial for your gut.

Ingredients for the brownies:

• 1/2 cup unsalted butter

• 8 ounces dark chocolate, chopped

• 1 cup granulated sugar

• 3/4 cup plain greek yogurt

• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

• 1/2 cup all-purpose flour

• 1/4 cup cocoa powder

• 1/2 teaspoon salt

Ingredients for the miso caramel:

• 1/2 cup granulated sugar

• 2 tablespoons water

• 1/4 cup heavy cream

• 2 tablespoons unsalted butter

• 2 teaspoons white or yellow miso paste


1. Preheat oven: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Line an 8×8-inch baking pan with parchment paper, leaving some overhang for easy removal.

Make the brownie batter

2. In a medium saucepan, melt the butter and chocolate over low heat, stirring constantly until smooth. 

3. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Stir in the sugar, greek yogurt, and vanilla extract until well combined. 

4. Sift in the flour, cocoa powder, and salt, and fold until the batter is smooth and no dry streaks remain.

Make the miso caramel:

5. In a small saucepan, combine the sugar and water. Cook over medium heat, swirling the pan occasionally, until the sugar dissolves and turns a deep amber color.

6. Remove from heat and carefully whisk in the heavy cream and butter until smooth. The mixture will bubble up, so be cautious.

7. Stir in the miso paste until fully incorporated. Set aside to cool slightly.

Assemble and bake:

8. Pour half of the brownie batter into the prepared pan and spread it evenly.

9. Drizzle half of the miso caramel over the batter.

10. Pour the remaining brownie batter on top, spreading it evenly, then drizzle the remaining caramel on top.

11. Use a knife or skewer to gently swirl the caramel into the brownie batter, creating a marbled effect.


12. Bake in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out with a few moist crumbs.

Cool and serve

13. Allow the brownies to cool completely in the pan before cutting into squares. Enjoy the rich, fudgy brownies with a hint of savory miso caramel.

Miso Caramel Brownie Recipe

Better yet, pair with your kefir ice cream for a unique and fun flavor you won’t find anywhere else! 

These recipes should provide you with unique, probiotic-containing desserts that are as delicious as they are supportive for gut health. 

I try my best to swap in ingredients and eat foods that will agree better with my digestive system, but it can be difficult at times. 

That’s why I take a daily probiotic, and I recommend the same for all my family and friends. 

Rather than spend hours researching and coming up with recipes that offer probiotic support, you can take one capsule daily and reduce the troubles of an upset digestive system by adding beneficial bacteria to your gut. 

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Biotics and Dynamic Biotics+ for Women

Elevate your gut health every day with Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Biotics and Dynamic Biotics+ for Women. These powerful probiotics are designed to support your digestive system, helping you feel your best, day in and day out.

With just one capsule daily, you can enjoy the benefits of a balanced digestive system without worrying about digestive discomfort. Try it for yourself and experience the difference a high-quality probiotic can make in your daily wellness routine.

Ready to take control of your gut health? Click here to learn more about Dynamic Biotics and Dynamic Biotics+ for Women and start feeling the difference today!

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Which Probiotics Supplement is Right For You? Dynamic Biotics+ for Women vs. Dynamic Biotics

Mature woman smiling in kitchen
Mature woman smiling in kitchen

When it comes to probiotics, finding a product that aligns with your health goals is essential. 

My goal is to help you decide which one is the perfect fit for you…

Dynamic Biotics or Dynamic Biotics+ for Women.

Let’s get started.

Dynamic Biotics: An Ideal Solution for a Happy and Healthy Gut

Dynamic Biotics

Dynamic Biotics is particularly beneficial for those who want to enjoy their favorite foods without experiencing digestive issues, such as gas, cramps, irregularity, and bloating.

Expertly crafted with 16 strains of probiotics, Dynamic Biotics provides unmatched support for your digestive and immune systems. That’s because it contains Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, the most clinically studied probiotic strain, ensuring you receive the best support for your digestive and immune health.*

Dynamic Biotics promotes a balanced gut, supporting your overall health by creating an environment for digestive wellness.* It helps maintain a diverse and healthy microbiome, enhancing your body’s ability to break down food and absorb nutrients.*

A robust gut contributes to a stronger immune system, and Dynamic Biotics ensures the integrity of the digestive tract and gut lining, providing a healthy barrier against harmful substances.*

Here’s an added bonus: Dynamic Biotics can even help fight traveler’s diarrhea, making it a must-have for frequent travelers who are always on the go. If you get backed up when traveling, this can help you, too.

It reduces gas and bloating, alleviating discomfort and promoting a flatter stomach.* It also eases upper GI discomfort, helping with issues like reflux, abdominal pain, and nausea while improving lower GI health by reducing constipation and promoting regular bowel movements.*

Dynamic Biotics+ for Women: An Ideal Solution for a Happy and Healthy Gut plus weight management and vaginal support

Your 3-in-1 super biotic

Dynamic Biotics+ for Women combines 24 broad-spectrum live probiotic strains with 70 billion CFUs, prebiotics, a feminine herbal blend, and Chromax® chromium picolinate. 

This product is specifically crafted for vibrant women of all ages who occasionally struggle with urinary tract infections or vaginal microflora imbalances and discomfort in addition to general gut bacteria imbalances.* 

Dynamic Biotics+ for Women contains Chromax® chromium piccolinate. Research shows that the trace mineral chromium picolinate can support insulin function and help the body better tolerate sugar.* Chromax® can also improve body composition and support weight and fat loss.* Dynamic Biotics+ for Women also contains HOWARU® Shape Bifidobacterium lactis B420™ aprobiotic strain, which has been clinically studied for its ability to reduce abdominal fat and keep the waist trim.*

In addition, this capsule Contains HOWARU® Feminine Health, a blend of L. rhamnosus HN001™ and L. acidophilus La-14™ clinically studied probiotic strains for vaginal health and overall feminine wellness to help support a healthy vaginal microflora in as little as 7 days.*

With Chromax®, Dynamic Biotics+ for Women supports body composition and weight management, helping to improve body composition, support weight loss, and fat loss while maintaining lean body mass when combined with diet and exercise. HOWARU® Feminine Health features clinically studied probiotic strains that promote vaginal health, supporting a healthy vaginal microflora in as little as seven days. Additionally, HOWARU® Shape helps reduce abdominal fat and waist circumference while promoting a balanced gut bacteria ecosystem, supporting overall gut health.

Here’s a simple flowchart to help you determine which is right for you.

Biotics and Biotics+ Flowchart
Biotics and Biotics+ compare + contrast

Choosing the right probiotic supplement depends on your specific health goals and needs. 

If you prioritize digestive health and immune support, Dynamic Biotics is the way to go. 

If you’re focused on feminine wellness and maintaining a healthy body composition, Dynamic Biotics+ for Women is your perfect match. 

And for a comprehensive approach to your health, consider incorporating both into your daily regimen. These two products were created to be taken alone or together.

Why Choose One When You Can Have Both?

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Biotics and Dynamic Biotics+ for Women

These products complement each other perfectly, providing a comprehensive approach to health. 

Dynamic Biotics focuses on overall digestive and immune health, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to bolster their gut health. 

On the other hand, Dynamic Biotics+ for Women targets specific feminine health needs, ensuring urogenital wellness and supporting body composition goals.

Remember, about 70% of our immune system resides in our gut, and the probiotics in these supplements play a significant role in regulating various organ systems.

 By incorporating both Dynamic Biotics and Dynamic Biotics+ for Women into your daily routine, you can enjoy a powerful combination of benefits, ensuring robust digestive health, a strong immune system, and optimal feminine wellness.

Shop Probiotics at Stonehenge Health

Ready to take the next step in your gut and/or feminine health journey? Visit our online store and grab these amazing products at up to a 45% discount when you Subscribe and save

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3 Probiotic Strains That Can Help You Slim Down

Smiling Slim Woman Looking At Her Reflection In Mirror
Smiling Slim Woman Looking At Her Reflection In Mirror

It’s important to recognize that weight management is more than counting calories in versus calories out. That’s one piece of the puzzle but not the whole story.

The body is complex, which means gut bacteria, hormones, and digestion also play a role in weight loss. 

I’ll never forget a 2013 study I heard about that got me thinking about how gut bacteria can affect weight loss. The study was published in Science, and most of the major news outlets at the time reported on it. 

In this study, researchers recruited pairs of human twins. One of the twins was lean, and the other was obese. The researchers then transferred gut bacteria from the twins into genetically identical mice. After the bacteria were transferred, the mice were raised in the same germ-free environment. They ate the same diet and in equal amounts. You’d assume that the mice would remain identical. Instead, the mice with bacteria from the obese twin grew heavier and accumulated more body fat than the mice with the bacteria from the thin twin. 

While it was a small study involving mice, the implications were significant. It shed light on a frustrating reality for so many people: you could be doing everything right, exercising regularly, and still not see any progress on the scale. 

Gut health can profoundly impact your ability to manage your weight. On the other hand, a healthy, balanced gut microbiome aids digestion, boosts metabolism, and supports healthy weight management. 

Since that study in 2013, hundreds of probiotics have been on the market, and research has advanced significantly. There are now human studies showing how different probiotic strains support unique areas of the body.

If weight loss is your goal… look for three specific slimming strains on the bottle when you purchase a probiotic.

1. Lactobacillus Rhamnosus

Young and older women sitting with healthy food and fresh drinks

This is one of the most widely studied probiotic strains. It has been shown to support healthy weight management and even decrease binge eating tendencies.

2. Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis B420. 

Home training concept. Smiling senior woman doing elbow plank on yoga mat in living room

This specific patented strain has been documented in more than 60 scientific studies, including 16 clinical trials, for its ability to help reduce abdominal fat and keep the waist trim.

3. Lactobacillus Gasseri

Doctor supports the colon of a person . Concept digestive system.

A review of over a dozen human randomized controlled trials concluded that L. gasseri supports healthy weight management. Other studies have shown that this strain supports fatty tissue reduction and improves metabolism.

A healthy weight is just one of the many amazing benefits of a healthy gut. 

Your skin health is also influenced by your gut, thanks to something called the Gut-Skin Axis.

75% of your immune system is based in the gut. 

90% of your serotonin – the feel-good hormone – is produced in the gut. 

The gut and your hormones are also deeply intertwined, which is especially important for women in perimenopause and menopause.

That’s why a high-quality probiotic is something everyone should consider as part of their daily wellness routine. 

And since you can’t see inside your own gut, it’s important to listen to the subtle signs your body is giving you.

Signs You Could Have Poor Gut Health:

Cropped image older unhealthy woman embracing belly, suffering from strong stomach ache.

• Weight Gain

• Bad Breath

• Skin Irregularities

• Constipation

• Gas

• Bloating

• Low Energy

• Mood Swings

• Aches and Pains

• Joint Discomfort

• Lack of Motivation

Now remember the good bacteria in your gut have a favorite food: fiber. Fiber remains intact as it moves through your digestive system. As it travels, healthy microbes in your gut feed off the fiber’s vitamins and nutrients. So when you don’t get enough fiber, your microbes starve. Some die off. Others start eating the gut’s mucus lining, which can damage the gut wall.

Here’s a friendly reminder of 4 Fiber-Rich Foods (Plus A high-fiber berry salad recipe)

The team at Stonehenge Health is always working to stay current on the most efficacious, premium ingredients to create cutting-edge products. If you haven’t already done so, subscribe to our email list and be the first to know when we announce new products.

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