Top 7 Smooth Move Tips for Bathroom Regularity

forest with curved roads

While it may be a topic that makes some blush, bathroom regularity is essential for both health and happiness. It’s like having your favorite song on repeat, keeping your digestive system in a healthy rhythm. Miss a step, and you could be dealing with discomfort, bloating, and other pesky gut issues.

Fortunately, there are practical strategies to help you hit the high notes of bathroom regularity. Let’s dive into eight evidence-based tips that can help you orchestrate more consistent bowel movements.

How to Have Regular Bowel Movements

person holding toilet paper in bathroom

1). Get Enough Hydration & Fiber

woman smiling eating vegetables and drinking cup of water

First off, hydration is key. Think of your body as a well-oiled machine with water as the premium oil that keeps everything running smoothly. Aim for 8-10 glasses of liquid daily to add groove to your move.

Liquids soften the stool and make the journey through the digestive tract feel more like a waterslide than a rocky road.

Secondly, let’s talk about insoluble fiber, the kind of fiber that adds bulk to your stool and helps food pass through your body. Make wheat bran, cauliflower, almonds, flaxseeds, and beans your new best friends. But remember, variety is the spice of life. Mix it up with some soluble fibers for a balanced, healthy gut.

2). Regular Meal Timing & Portion Control

man enjoying food at the table with friends

Not only is your body like a well-oiled machine, but it’s also like a finely tuned clock that thrives on routine. Establishing mealtimes and practicing portion control are golden tickets to bathroom regularity.

Overeating and haphazard mealtimes are mischievous twins that cause havoc in your digestive system. Smaller, balanced meals are easier for digestion and ward off those unpleasant surprises.

3). Move Your Body

man running up stairs

Turns out, just like the rest of you, your gut loves a good workout. Regular exercise isn’t just a ticket to overall health but also a secret password to bathroom regularity. It’s like giving your intestines a gentle nudge, boosting bowel movements, and warding off constipation.

Whether it’s a brisk walk, a refreshing swim, or a calming yoga session, every bit counts. So, how about weaving in 30 minutes of exercise into your daily routine for that much-needed digestive harmony?

4). Stress Management

woman meditating in living room

Stress can significantly impact digestive health, often leading to irregular bowel movements. High-stress levels can disrupt the digestive system’s normal functioning, causing constipation or diarrhea. Effective stress management techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, and hobbies can alleviate stress and promote regular bowel movements.

5). Probiotics to the Rescue

dynamic biotics supplement

Your body is a well-oiled machine… a finely tuned clock… and an exotic garden needing a balance of good bacteria to bloom. This is where probiotics come in. These little helpers can turn the tide in your gut’s favor, promoting smoother digestion and regular bathroom visits.

Probiotics can be found in yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi – but if they are not your cup of tea, try a quality probiotic supplement like Stonehenge Health® Dynamic Biotics to promote digestive wellness.

6). Avoid Trigger Foods

woman eating fruits and veggies and saying no to fried chicken

Some foods can be sneaky troublemakers, disrupting our digestive harmony and playing havoc with bathroom regularity. The usual suspects:

• Spicy foods

• Greasy or fried foods

• Dairy products (for lactose-intolerant individuals)

• Artificial sweeteners

Another approach is keeping a food diary and noting symptoms to help identify potential trigger foods. Eliminating or minimizing these foods can improve digestion and smooth your bathroom routine.

7). Take Your Time

happy tummy

Think of your bathroom visits as a mini wellness retreat. Listen to your body and give it the time it needs. Regular bathroom routines, ideally post-meals or when the call comes. Remember to unwind on the throne; it helps those pelvic muscles relax.

Consider a bathroom stool to elevate your feet and place your body in a more natural squatting position. Ready to ditch the rush and embrace mindful bathroom breaks for a happier gut?

A Word on Frequency


The frequency of bowel movements can vary widely from person to person, with a typical range of anywhere from three times a day to three times a week being considered normal. It’s important to recognize that individual habits, diet, age, and overall health play a significant role in determining what’s regular for each person.

Rather than focusing solely on a fixed number of times, it’s essential to be attuned to any significant changes in bowel habits, such as sudden increases or decreases in frequency, discomfort, pain, or signs of gastrointestinal distress, which could signal underlying health concerns.

If chronic or severe irregular bowel movements persist despite implementing the above steps, it’s probably time to consult healthcare professionals.

Gastroenterologists can provide personalized advice, conduct necessary tests, and suggest appropriate treatments or dietary modifications based on your needs. Seeking professional guidance can also help identify any underlying medical conditions contributing to irregular bowel movements and ensure comprehensive care.

The Right Probiotic

dynamic biotics

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Biotics is carefully formulated with a unique blend of probiotics and prebiotics, precisely chosen to help restore balance to your intestinal microbiota. This powerful formula may help regulate your digestive system and ensure smooth, effortless bowel movements by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Severe Dehydration: How to Recognize the Symptoms and When to Act

man drinking water in the sun
man drinking water in the sun

With day after day of record-breaking temperatures above 100°F, this Summer is one for the record books. It’s hot, and it looks like the heat is here to stay for a bit longer.

Along with the heat, a staggering number of people have experienced serious health dilemmas because, among the allure of sunny days, many don’t recognize the signs of severe dehydration.
You’re probably familiar with regular dehydration, but have you heard of its formidable cousin: severe dehydration? It’s like dehydration’s supervillain version.

While you’re out enjoying yourself playing pickleball, walking, or tending to the garden, dehydration can sneak up on you surprisingly fast. Severe dehydration is a silent threat, often underestimated and relatively unknown to many.

The blistering heat can cause this beast to strike with alarming speed, and before you know it, you might find yourself in a serious state – dehydrated and struggling.

Understanding Severe Dehydration

wilting dry plant

Dehydration is a condition that arises when the body loses more fluids than it consumes, disrupting the balance of electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and chloride.

Severe dehydration is an advanced stage of dehydration where fluid loss becomes severe and can lead to critical health issues.

For most people, severe dehydration starts by not drinking enough fluids and is exacerbated by prolonged exposure to heat, exercising in hot weather, and excessive sweating. Drinking alcohol instead of water under these conditions fuels the fire. Anyone can become dehydrated, but kids and older adults are more vulnerable. Diarrhea and vomiting from illness are the likely culprits for young children. Older adults with medical conditions or who take medications are at a greater risk of severe dehydration.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Severe Dehydration

woman fanning herself in the heat

It is vital to recognize the symptoms of dehydration early to initiate timely intervention. The signs may vary depending on the individual and the underlying cause, but common symptoms include:

1. Extreme thirst: A persistent and intense thirst is the body’s way of signaling a need for water.

2. Dark yellow or amber-colored urine: Reduced fluid intake leads to concentrated urine, a sign of dehydration.

3. Dry mouth and cracked lips: Dehydration reduces saliva production, resulting in a dry mouth and chapped lips.

4. Fatigue and weakness: Dehydration can lead to decreased blood volume, affecting oxygen transport and causing fatigue and weakness.

5. Dizziness or lightheadedness: Reduced blood flow to the brain can result in dizziness or feeling faint.

6. Rapid heartbeat and low blood pressure: The body attempts to compensate for fluid loss by increasing heart rate, leading to low blood pressure.

7. Dry, cool skin: Dehydrated individuals may have cool, clammy skin due to decreased sweating.

Steps to Overcome Dehydration

Man drying off from the heat

If you have any of the above signs of dehydration, take the following steps to replenish and restore your body’s hydration levels.

1. Prioritize water consumption as it’s the most effective way to rehydrate.

2. Consider oral rehydration solutions if dehydration results from diarrhea, vomiting, or intense exercise; these solutions provide crucial electrolytes.

3. Sports drinks can also help replace lost nutrients.

4. Cool your body, find a comfortable environment, and avoid excessive heat. If you’re assisting someone, help them cool down and remove any excess clothing, allowing better heat dissipation.

Swiftly addressing dehydration is essential for maintaining overall health and preventing complications. Remember to monitor your fluid intake and stay hydrated, especially during hot weather and physical activity.

When to Go to the ER for Severe Dehydration

woman and doctor walking together

Recognizing the signs of severe dehydration is critical in determining when immediate medical attention is necessary. Certain situations warrant urgent action:

1. Extreme symptoms: If the individual experiences severe symptoms such as confusion, or loss of consciousness, seek medical help immediately.

2. Unsuccessful rehydration attempts: If attempts to rehydrate orally have not been successful, medical intervention is required. In some cases, drinking water cause you to throw up.

3. Underlying health conditions: Individuals with pre-existing health conditions such as kidney disease, diabetes, or heart problems should seek medical attention promptly if dehydrated.

4. Severe vomiting or diarrhea: Prolonged or severe vomiting and diarrhea can quickly lead to severe dehydration and require immediate medical attention.

5. Heat-related conditions: Extreme heat and sun exposure can exacerbate dehydration and necessitate urgent medical help.

Treatment of Severe Dehydration

representation of batteries recharging

In some cases, treating severe dehydration requires swift and comprehensive medical care, and immediate hospitalization might be necessary. The treatment may include:

1. Intravenous (IV) fluids are administered to replenish the lost fluids and rapidly restore electrolyte balance.

2. Monitoring vital signs, electrolyte levels, and urine output are monitored closely to assess the body’s response to treatment.

3. In some cases, medications may be given to address dehydration’s underlying cause or manage symptoms.

Preventing Severe Dehydration

happy couple wearing hats

Prevention is essential in avoiding the development of dehydration. Some practical measures include:

1. Drink enough fluids when you’re out in the sun. You will need more fluids to stay hydrated when it is hot out than you typically would on a cooler day.

2. When exposed to high temperatures or engaging in intense physical activities, consume electrolyte-rich drinks or sports drinks to maintain proper electrolyte balance.

3. Schedule any physical activity during cooler periods of the day.

4. Wear a hat, sunglasses, and use an umbrella to shade yourself.

5. Never leave children or pets in hot cars, even for a minute.

old man receiving water

Listen to your body and recognize the early symptoms of dehydration to take corrective actions promptly.

Severe dehydration can lead to life-threatening complications if not promptly addressed. Recognizing the signs of severe dehydration and knowing when to seek urgent medical help are crucial steps in preventing severe consequences.

Maintaining a balanced approach to fluid intake, especially during periods of increased risk, can significantly reduce the likelihood of experiencing dehydration. We can ensure optimal hydration and overall well-being by being attentive to our bodies and taking preventive measures.

1. Crouch, M. (2022, August 2). 8 signs of dehydration that you shouldn’t ignore. AARP.
2. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (n.d.). Dehydration. Mayo Clinic.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Unveiling the Path to Resilience: 6 Habits of Mentally Strong People

Mental strength is a valuable trait that enables a person to navigate life’s challenges with resilience, grit, and a positive mindset. Cultivating mental strength is not an overnight process; it requires consistent effort and the adoption of certain habits that foster emotional well-being.

Keep reading to explore the six practices of mentally strong people. Understanding and implementing these habits can enhance your mental resilience and lead a more fulfilling life.

Cultivating Self

One of the fundamental habits of mentally strong people is cultivating self-awareness. This habit involves deeply understanding one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. By being aware of their mental and emotional states, mentally strong individuals can effectively manage their reactions to challenging situations.

Self-awareness begins with introspection and reflection. It involves recognizing and acknowledging one’s strengths, weaknesses, and triggers. Through self-reflection, mentally strong people gain valuable insights into their beliefs and values, allowing them to make better decisions aligned with their goals and values.

Moreover, self-awareness enables mentally strong people to regulate their emotions. They learn to identify negative thought patterns and replace them with positive ones, fostering resilience and maintaining a balanced mental state. This habit empowers individuals to respond to difficulties with composure and seek constructive solutions rather than succumbing to negativity.

Practicing Gratitude & Positivity

Mentally strong individuals understand the power of gratitude and positivity in shaping their perspective on life. They consciously practice gratitude daily, focusing on what they are thankful for, no matter how small.

By cultivating a positive mindset, mentally strong people maintain a hopeful outlook even in adversity. They understand that challenges are opportunities for growth and learning. This positive mindset allows them to approach setbacks as temporary hurdles rather than insurmountable obstacles.

Practicing gratitude and positivity also involves surrounding oneself with supportive and uplifting individuals. Mentally strong people seek relationships that nurture their emotional well-being and avoid those that bring negativity or drain their energy.

Embracing Change & Adaptability

Change is inevitable and mentally strong individuals embrace it rather than resisting or fearing it. They understand that adaptability is crucial for personal growth and success. Instead of dwelling on past mistakes or missed opportunities, they focus on finding innovative solutions and adapting to new circumstances.

Mentally strong people develop a growth mindset, believing their abilities and intelligence can be acquired through dedication and hard work. They view challenges as stepping stones towards personal and professional advancement, fostering a sense of resilience and perseverance.

Moreover, embracing change involves stepping out of one’s comfort zone. Mentally strong individuals are willing to take calculated risks, knowing that growth occurs outside familiar territory. They are not deterred by failure but view it as an opportunity to learn, improve, and try again.

Setting Clear Goals & Taking Action

Mentally strong individuals set clear, specific, and achievable goals. They have a sense of purpose that drives their actions and decisions. By defining their objectives, mentally strong people can channel their energy and efforts toward meaningful pursuits.

Additionally, mentally strong people break down their goals into smaller, manageable tasks, creating a roadmap to success. They understand that progress is achieved through consistent action and perseverance. They maintain focus and discipline, tackling challenges one step at a time.

Setting goals also involves maintaining a positive mindset when facing obstacles. Mentally strong individuals view setbacks as temporary detours rather than failures. They adjust their strategies, seek support, and stay committed to their aspirations.

Prioritizing Self-Care & Resilience 

Mentally strong people prioritize self-care and resilience as essential habits. They understand the importance of maintaining their physical and mental well-being. Engaging in exercise, proper nutrition, quality sleep, and relaxation techniques help them build resilience and cope with stress effectively.

Furthermore, mentally strong individuals recognize the significance of balance in their lives. They establish boundaries, practice self-compassion, and allocate time for enjoyable activities. This self-care nurtures their overall well-being and gives them the strength to face life’s challenges head-on.

Support Your Brain Health

Brain health-boosting supplements can positively impact your brain function, ability to make decisions, adapt to change, and promote a positive mindset. *

Stonehenge Health® Dynamic Brain is a powerful formula enriched with essential vitamins and minerals such as the B vitamins, plus nootropics Bacopa extract, and Huperzine-A. Daily use supports a clearer mind, an upbeat mood, and sharper memory. *

Cultivating mental strength is a lifelong journey that requires conscious effort and the adoption of empowering habits. By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you may develop the resilience necessary to navigate difficulties gracefully and maintain a positive outlook. Remember, mental strength is not innate but a skill that can be honed through consistent practice and determination. Start cultivating these habits today and unlock your potential for a mentally healthy and fulfilling life.

Article inspired by New Trader U 5 Habits of Mentally Strong People.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The Second Act: Top 6 Tips for Pursuing Your Passions After Retirement

Retirement provides a precious chance to delve into your interests, experiment with novel hobbies, and experience the world without the burden of work. It signifies a shift towards seeking life satisfaction rather than simply fulfilling work-related responsibilities. People are retiring with youthful zest, and their professional background enriches them with various insights to share. They now have the liberty to pursue their passions with gusto and make the most of their later years.

My friend Sharon is a great example.

After years of toiling away as an auditor for the IRS, Sharon decided it was time for a career change – and she had just the right idea. She had always been passionate about animals, so when the opportunity to retire early arose, Sue knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life: become a dog rescuer.

Sharon gets out to the shelters and dog pounds most days, looking for adoptable dogs who need homes or nursing little friends back into good health before finding them loving new families. It’s hard work but incredibly rewarding, something she hadn’t experienced in her desk job at the IRS. Sharon now spends much of her time nursing sick or injured pups back to health before finding new homes through adoption centers or private owners.

The joy this gave her is immeasurable; not only does Sharon get to do what she loves, but seeing her fur babies go from sad and scared strays into loving members of someone’s family makes every long day worthwhile. And best of all? There were no grumpier taxpayers or grueling office days.

Retirement is often considered one of life’s most precious gifts. So, now the question is: How can you discover your “Second Act”?

Rediscovering Passions

After a lifetime of working, raising kids, and caring for others, losing sight of your passion is easy. Retirement offers the opportunity to rediscover hobbies and interests sidelined earlier in life. Whether painting, writing, reading, playing music, or gardening, nurturing these passions is essential. Engaging in activities that bring joy and satisfaction can help boost mental health, prevent cognitive decline, and add purpose to life.

Starting a Side Business

Retirement doesn’t mean cutting off all income sources. Many older folks have discovered the joys of starting a side business doing something they love. From baking to crafting, teaching to consulting, the possibilities are endless. Not only does it provide an additional source of income, but it also satisfies the need for social interaction and productivity. Starting a second act doesn’t require a huge investment; it’s about leveraging skills and experiences to offer something valuable to others.


Retirees have a wealth of knowledge and experience that can be used in the community. Volunteering in a cause that aligns with personal values can bring fulfillment and joy. From mentoring young adults to serving meals at a homeless shelter, there are plenty of ways to give back. Volunteering helps others and fosters a sense of purpose and belonging.

Traveling and Cultural Immersion

Retirement is also the ideal time to indulge in travel and cultural immersion. After a lifetime of work and responsibilities, it’s time to explore the world and experience new adventures. It doesn’t have to be a luxurious or expensive trip; it can be a road trip to national parks or a cultural exchange program in a foreign country. Traveling provides an opportunity to learn about new cultures, meet new people, and gain a fresh perspective.

Embracing Mindfulness

Retirement offers a chance to slow down and savor the moments that matter. It’s a time to reflect on life and practice mindfulness. Mindfulness means being present in the moment, appreciating the simple things in life, and finding joy in the ordinary. It could be as simple as enjoying coffee in the morning, taking a leisurely stroll in the park, or spending time with loved ones. Mindfulness can reduce stress, improve mental health, and add meaning to your life.

It’s always possible to find a purpose and positively impact the world. Retirement can be the beginning of a new journey full of adventure, joy, and contentment. So go ahead and explore the possibilities of your second act after retirement.

Nurture Your Brain Health to Empower Your Second Act

During your well-deserved retirement, optimizing your brain function allows you to embrace any endeavor confidently. Imagine what you could accomplish with mental clarity, improved concentration, heightened energy, enhanced decision-making skills, and a sharper memory!

Stonehenge Health® Dynamic Brain is a meticulously crafted formula backed by scientific research, featuring an impressive blend of 40 brain health ingredients. * Each element has been carefully selected, from Bacopa Extract to Huperzine A, DHA, Choline, and essential vitamins and minerals to support your brain health effectively. *

By incorporating Dynamic Brain into your daily routine, you may unlock the true potential of your cognitive abilities. * Make the most of your retirement by nurturing your brain health with Dynamic Brain. Embrace the limitless possibilities that lie ahead!

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Rest Easy: 8 Tips for Getting the Best Sleep While Traveling

Traveling can be exciting and rewarding but comes with its fair share of challenges. One of the biggest challenges? Getting a good night’s sleep, especially when you’re staying with family and friends.

Whether on a business trip, exploring new places, or visiting loved ones, getting quality sleep is crucial for maintaining energy, focus, and your overall well-being. That’s where this blog comes in. Keep reading to discover valuable tips and strategies to help you get the best sleep possible while traveling.

From creating the perfect sleep environment to establishing a relaxing bedtime routine, we’ll reveal the secrets to a peaceful night’s sleep that will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on your travel adventures. Say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to restful slumber.

Choose Accommodations Wisely 

Let’s face it, saying goodbye to your comfy bed and hello to an uncomfortable couch, guest room, or a dreaded pull-out can be tricky. If you’re lucky, you might get a comfortable mattress and your room, but more often than not, you’ll find yourself tossing and turning all night.

The only way to have a fantastic travel experience is by choosing the perfect place to stay for a restful night’s sleep. Instead of bunking in someone’s home, opt for accommodations focusing on comfort, peace, and convenience. Look for features like blackout curtains, cozy beds, and soundproofing that will help ensure a good night’s rest.

If you can’t get to sleep, consider booking a room away from busy areas or using white noise machines or earplugs to drown out any disturbances. By prioritizing your rest, you’ll have a much more enjoyable time during your travels.

Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment 

Transform your temporary sleeping space into a haven of relaxation by paying attention to the sleep environment. Keep the room cool, dark, and quiet. Use an eye mask to block out light, earplugs, or a noise machine to minimize external noise. If the room lacks proper temperature control, adjust it using the thermostat, fan, or portable heater, depending on your preferences.

Stick to a Consistent Sleep Schedule 

Maintaining a regular sleep schedule can help regulate your internal clock, so it’s easier to fall asleep and wake up naturally. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even when traveling across time zones. This will help your body adjust more smoothly and minimize the effects of jet lag.

Establish a Bedtime Routine 

A bedtime routine signals your body that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep. Adapt your routine to your travel circumstances. Incorporate activities such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, practicing relaxation techniques, or listening to calming music. Avoid engaging in stimulating activities or using electronic devices emitting blue light, as it can interfere with sleep.

Prioritize Comfortable Sleepwear and Bedding 

Pack comfortable sleepwear and bring your own pillow if possible. Familiar bedding and sleepwear can provide a sense of comfort and familiarity, promoting better sleep. Opt for breathable fabrics that suit the climate, ensuring you don’t overheat or feel too cold at night.

Manage Stress and Relax Before Bed 

Traveling can sometimes be stressful, affecting your ability to relax and fall asleep. Prioritize stress management techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or gentle stretching before bed. Consider using relaxation apps or guided sleep meditation recordings to help calm your mind and prepare for restful sleep.

Limit Caffeine and Alcohol Intake 

Be aware of your caffeine and alcohol consumption, as both can disrupt your sleep patterns. Limit caffeine in the afternoon and evening, as its stimulating effects can make it difficult to fall asleep. While alcohol may initially make you drowsy, it can disrupt the quality of your sleep, causing disturbances and reducing the restorative aspects of rest.

Stay Active and Get Natural Light 

To enhance the quality of your sleep at night, staying active and seeking natural light during the day can be highly beneficial. Regular physical activity helps tire your body and promotes better sleep patterns. Engage in activities like walking, jogging, or cycling to stimulate your body and mind.

Additionally, exposure to natural light is crucial in regulating your internal body clock, known as the circadian rhythm. Spend time outdoors to absorb sunlight, especially in the morning, which helps set your sleep-wake cycle. Natural light exposure boosts serotonin production, a hormone that promotes relaxation and melatonin production for better sleep quality.

So, prioritize staying active and basking in natural light throughout the day to enjoy more restful nights and wake up refreshed and rejuvenated each morning.

Supplementing Your Relaxation

An emerging trend in the realm of relaxation is the use of adaptogens. These natural substances aid in building resilience to the physical and mental impacts of stress, fostering a greater sense of tranquility.(1-2)  Among the extensively studied adaptogens, functional mushrooms like Lion’s Mane, Chaga, Maitake, and Reishi have gained attention.

Stonehenge Health® has formulated Dynamic Mushrooms by expertly combining Lion’s Mane, Chaga, Maitake, Reishi, and Shiitake mushrooms. Incorporating Dynamic Mushrooms into a holistic lifestyle can enhance your ability to adapt to physical and mental stressors while bolstering brain function, supporting the immune system, and naturally boosting energy levels.*

1. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2017 Aug;1401(1):49-64.
2. Liao LY et al. Chin Med. 2018 Nov 16;13:57.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.